Transportation is basically the act of moving people and their property from one place to another for various reasons. This is very crucial in the transaction of business ventures in our societies. In the past this was very hard as there were no proper means of moving from place to place. People basically made use of some animals to their property in case they needed to shift. This was very slow and hectic.
Originally, there were no ways for people to move their produce. This posed a very big challenge for the business community since they could not convey their goods and services to the market place in time for the big sales. Physicists struggled and introduced the railway transportation systems. These were very effective in the movement of bulky goods over long distances.
In recent centuries road transportation systems have taken over this sector. There are roads constructed to every corner of the world and hence the use of cars became highly convenient and cheap as well. These cars made communication a lot easier and faster too. The mail delivery practice became a lot faster since small cars could cover inland distances fastest.
Communication is another very vital activity that life would not be the same without. It is simply the movement of information from one user or the source to another. This is another form of transportation only that with communication the product can only be in information form. In the earlier days data could only be transferred using spoken means. This was not a very effective method. The message was exposed to so many changes.
Before people could read or write, messages had to be sent across using basically either word of mouth or diagrammatic expressions. This was not a very good method since the message could be either miss-presented or misinterpreted by the receiver. This could be so disastrous especially if the people involved are at tension due to possibilities of hostility from either party.
This led to the introduction of pocket size gadgets commonly referred to as mobile phones. These were very effective as a person could charge them fully and move around with them while on usual duties. Communication became a lot easier and faster with the mobile phones in place. Earlier versions of these phones were edge, however lately they can access internet services as well.
These internet enabled mobile phones were referred to as smart phones as they could process information as well and perform so many other functions in addition. Android is an operating system software used in most smart phones. This system supports majority of internet related functions and makes the phone a lot faster than earlier systems.
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